A plan is a strategy of setting goals and objectives which you would like to accomplish in life. Your goals should be tangible and measurable for greater success.

As a Life Coach I can assist you in accomplishing those things that will help you get where you need to be going in life. With my coaching style you will benefit as the ANSWERS you are looking for are already inside of you. As a coach I have been trained in helping you DISCOVER those answers. I call them ‘Self-Employed’ answers waiting to be discovered.

If some tells you what to do in life, it might be their personal idea or what they think. You might be on page 20 of your life and that other person is trying to give you a page 40 which you cannot relate to. Their story and input might be very professional, but if it is not your own idea you cannot buy into such input.

Let me help you discover what you need to see for yourself. Once you can see it, you can have it or enter into such for greater success. With my 27 years of people business I will serve you with great excellence without wasting your time and money.

Please contact me – [email protected] for a free session. Our 1800 number is on the front home page of my website. We are waiting to serve you. You do not have to sign any contract that will bind you! We simply reach an agreement and we take it week by week. Impaq Life Coaching also follows the code of ethics which we upheld with ICF.

Remember – If Nothing Changes then Nothing Changes – Contact me now!